What If My Pedestrian Accident Was A Hit and Run?

Watch this video by experienced South Carolina pedestrian accident lawyer Matthew Breen to find out how to protect your rights and who to hold responsible if you were injured as a pedestrian, but the driver left the scene of the accident.

If you or someone you love was injured as a pedestrian due to the carelessness, recklessness, or wrongful conduct of another, contact Lowcountry Law, LLC for a free consultation. We will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.


Were you struck by a vehicle as a pedestrian in South Carolina but the vehicle that struck you left the scene of the accident? You can still recover compensation for your injuries, and we can help hold the liable party accountable.

If your pedestrian accident was hit and run, that’s no problem. With me by your side, we can make sure that you still get a full recovery. In South Carolina, everyone has to have uninsured motorist coverage, so you, as a person, have uninsured motorist coverage if you have automobile coverage for your vehicle, we can make sure that we claim under that. Now, it’s no-fault coverage.

It won’t go against your insurance, and your rates won’t go up because you may make this sort of claim. It’s totally normal and totally fine, and that’s the way that we can make sure that you recover if it’s a John Doe hit-and-run driver who’s injured you.

If you or someone you love was injured in South Carolina, it’s crucial you contact an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to protect your rights and maximize your recovery. Schedule a free consultation with dedicated Myrtle Beach pedestrian accident lawyer Matthew Breen and let his experience work for you.